Vulnerability Research & Fuzzing

A complete introduction to 0-day discovery for Windows targets, focusing on closed-source real-world software, including kernel modules and user code.

Vulnerability Research & Fuzzing | Signal Labs | Advanced Offensive Cybersecurity Training | Self-Paced Trainings | Live Trainings | Virtual Trainings | Custom Private Trainings for Business

Learn about snapshot-fuzzing real-world Windows targets & finding logic 0-days.

Who should take this course?

Anyone looking to get into Windows vulnerability research and fuzzing, although many of the concepts and approaches taught can be used for fuzzing on other platforms (MacOS/Linux, etc), all the exercises will focus on Windows. Also useful for red-teamers looking to add zero-days to their arsenal (with a dedicated section on finding quick 0-days on time-limited engagements).

Most topics are beginner friendly and assume limited or no prior experience with modern fuzzing approaches and Windows vulnerability research, with advanced topics (hypervisors & emulators, for example) presented in an easy-to-understand manner.

Course Syllabus

  • Kernel / User

  • Attack Surface

  • Hypervisors

  • User / Kernel

  • Time-Travel

  • Taint tracing

  • Crash Triaging & Tooling to root-cause bugs

  • State of fuzzing (public tooling and state-of-the-art approaches)

  • Harness development

  • Reverse engineering for effective harness development

  • Instrumentation

  • Intro to using Emulators and Hypervisors

  • Corpus management

  • Fuzzing a real target from scratch (incl. advanced performance considerations & full-system snapshot fuzzing)

  • Real target challenges (and 0-day hunting)

  • Tools and techniques to quickly find exploitable 0-days in time-limited engagements (e.g. red teams)

  • Custom tooling to assist with finding quick bugs

  • Easily identifiable vulnerable patterns in common Windows code

  • Analyzing a Kernel Driver logic (0-day) bug

  • Logic 0-day challenges + walkthroughs

This course is a complete introduction to finding 0-days on Windows, covering static & dynamic manual approaches alongside state-of-the-art snapshot fuzzing techniques with multiple walkthroughs of real live 0-days. Includes both memory corruption style bugs & logic bugs.

Course Benefits

Beginner & Advanced Content with Live Demonstrations

Community Environment to Engage in Discussions with Peers & Instructor

Live Q&A Sessions & Ongoing Support After the Course

Frequently Updated Content with the Latest Techniques & Tools

Custom Code Developed by Signal Labs for Students

(Optional) Assessments & Completion Certificates

What makes Signal Labs self-paced courses different?

A firsthand look at our innovative self-paced course content.

Self-Paced Training


  • 34 Self-Paced Lessons.
  • 12-month access to the course.
  • Multiple hands-on exercises for each section.
  • Includes both memory corruption style bugs & logic bugs.
  • Advanced custom tooling, including custom kernel drivers.
  • Exercises with crash triaging techniques and program analysis concepts.
  • Community pages to engage with discussions between peers & instructor.
  • Course Materials: Recorded Content, Code Files.
  • (Optional) Assessments & completion certificates.

*For larger business teams, reach out for custom packages.

Christopher Vella | Signal Labs | Advanced Offensive Cybersecurity Training | Self-Paced Trainings | Live Trainings | Virtual Trainings | Custom Private Trainings for Business


Christopher Vella has extensive experience with vulnerability research and has found vulnerabilities in a range of high-profile software (Hyper-V Hypervisor, Adobe PDF, Windows OS & Kernel). Public vulnerabilities discovered by Christopher include (CVE-2020-17414, CVE-2020-24559, CVE-2021-25250, CVE-2020-24557, CVE-2020-24556, CVE-2020-24558, + more) alongside multiple non-public vulnerabilities.

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